These are some of the workshops that I have enjoyed providing. You can let me know if you are interested in any one of these.

Creating and Using Audio Files in Teaching

By attending this event, you will

  • Receive the tools and instruction for creating audio files
  • Learn how to distribute these audio files on Blackboard, websites, email, and mobile devices
  • Learn about podcasting, and how to create podcasts using your audio files
  • Learn how to create voice narration for PowerPoint presentations.
  • Learn about the uses of audio for Articulate, VoiceThread, and other advanced applications

Some notes from training provided at SAU


This seminar will provide an overview of podcast technology, provide demonstrations of producing audio and video podcasts, and describe various methods of distributing podcasts. If you are interested in creating podcasts or just investigating the possibility, plan to attend this training.

Some notes from previous training.

Starting Your Own Website

Have you ever wanted your own website--for your small business, or to have a blog for discussions, or just as a place to easily share photos and files? This course offers the basics of starting your website--what a “domain” is and how to get one; getting a “hosting” service, creating and managing your website, and what to do as your website grows.