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Introduction to Computer Science
Spring 2008 Syllabus
St. Ambrose University
(subject to revision)
Assignments |
Class Notes |
Syllabus quick
links: Course Objectives,
Texts, Supplemental Material,
Basis of
Grade |
1. |
Course Information |
Days & Times:
Office Hours: |
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
Cosgrove, Rm 24.
3 hours
Dr. Richard Jerz
408 Ambrose Hall
See link. Others by appointment |
2. |
Catalog Description |
Survey of computer systems, the role of the
computer in different disciplines. Applications covered include an
office suite (word processing, spreadsheet, and database), web
browsing, and Internet research. |
3. |
Course Objectives |
Upon completion of the course students should be
able to: |
1. Identify the major components of a
computer system and explain their function.
2. Use an operating system (Windows XP) to control the operation
of the computer.
3. Use the MS Office 2007 products: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and
4. Operate email and file transfer software.
5. Understand the impact of computer technology on society and
academic disciplines.
6. Appreciate and display ethical and professional
responsibility in the work place.
4. |
Texts |
"Technology in Action," Evans, Martiin & Poatsy,
4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2008.
ISBN 0-13-148905-4 |
"Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and
Techniques; Windows XP Edition," G. B. Shelly, T.J. Cashman, and M.E.
Vermaat, 2008. ISBN 1-4188-4327-4. |
5. |
Supplemental Readings and Resources |
You will need Blackboard:
https://blackboard.sau.edu/. See
the Information Technology (IT) department if you need a login id
and password.
Here is IT's
Quick Start guide.
We will be using Microsoft Excel. This is
available on all campus lab computers.
You should consider having a method or device to
backup your computer files, such as a flash drive. |
6. |
Basis of Grade |
Projects: |
40% |
A:93-100, B+: 87-92, B:80-86, C+: 77-79, C:70-76,
D:60-69, F:0-59 |
Students with disabilities who believe that they
may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the
Office of Services for Students with Disabilities as soon as
possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented
in a timely fashion.
The Student Success Center provides tutoring
for this course, free of charge, if needed. |
Attendance: Attendance is required. Let
the instructor know (by phone or email) if you are unable to attend.
You get 3 points for each class you attend, 1 point if you notify me
ahead of time, and 0 points if you are absent and do not let me
know. Homework (Assessments):
Homework will be periodically assigned and may include skills
assignments, content from the texts, and identification of hardware
Projects: Weekly projects are from the
Shelly/Cashman book. In general, we will do one project each
week and most projects can be completed in class. However, if
you do not complete the project in class, you will need to complete
the project outside of class. When finished, you should email your work to the
instructor. If you finish your project ahead of time,
attendance in class can be excused with instructor consent.
You are expected to do each project on your
own, however, you can discuss projects with other students and seek
each others help. If you submit work from someone else, you
will lose credit for all projects for the the semester. In
other words, you will receive a zero for 50% of your grade. As
you might see, it is better to submit your own work, even if it is
not totally complete, than plagiarizing someone else's work.
Exams: There will be three exams
covering topics from both books.