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CSCI120 Assignments

CSCI120 Syllabus

Week of

1. January 17 Course Introduction and Overview
Please review the syllabus.
I am in Ecuador this week.  Mr. Grenier will be with you today.
2. January 22 Technology Ch 1: Why computers Matter to You
Office 2007: Introduction to Windows XP and Office 2007
n/a  In class
3. January 29 Technology Ch 2: Looking at Computers
Office 2007: Word 1: Creating and Editing a Word Document
4. February 5 Technology Ch 2: Looking at Computers (continued)
HW: 3 questions about either Ch2 or Ch3
Office 2007: Word 2: Creating a Research Paper
In class
5. February 12 Technology Ch 3: Using the Internet
HW: none
Office 2007: Word 3: Creating a Resume

6. February 19 Technology Ch 4: Application Software
HW: 3 questions about Chapter 4
Office 2007: Excel 1: Creating a Spreadsheet and an Embedded Chart
In class
7. February 26 Chapter 4 (continued)
Office 2007: Excel 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries

In class
  March 4 Spring Break - no class    
8. March 11 Technology Ch 5: Using System Software
HW: 3 questions about Chapter 5
Office 2007: Excel 3: What-if, Charting, and Large Worksheets
Exam 1 on Thursday
In class
9. March 18
Backing Up Your Data
Office 2007: PowerPoint 1: Creating and Editing a Presentation
Remember that we are online this week (not in class.)
Click here for Assignments


10. March 25 Technology Ch 5: Using System Software
Office 2007: PowerPoint 2: Creating and Editing a Presentation

In class
11. April 1 Technology Ch 6: Evaluation your System
Office 2007: Access 1: Creating and Using a Database

In class
12. April 8 Technology Ch 7: Networking and Security
HW_ch7, three questions about Chapter 7
Office 2007: Access 2: Querying a Database

In class
13. April 15 Technology Ch 8: Mobile Computing
HW_ch8,  three questions about Chapter 8
Office 2007: Access 3: Maintaining a Database
In class.
14. April 22 iPods, Podcasts, MP3s, Digital Photography, and Video
Project: Work on any incomplete projects.
15. April 29 Technology Ch 9: Behind the Scenes
Multimedia: Video and Audio
Exam 2 on Thursday
16. May 6 Finals Week (all work due by Tuesday noon )
Tuesday (10:50PM - 12:05PM) - Finish incomplete projects

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