rjMoodle, Syllabus, Notes & Resources


Week # Tues/Thur Assignment
1 October 18

Do this Pre-Course Assignment Course (after getting my "Welcome" email).

Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1: What is Statistics, Read entire chapter.

  October 20 Chapter 2: Graphic Presentation, Read entire chapter.
2 October 25 Chapter 3: Numerical Measures, Read chapter, skip Geometric Mean.
  October 27 Chapter 4: Exploring Data, Read chapter, skip Stem-and-Leaf Displays.
    Exam 1 - Friday, November 4, "Electronic" (Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4)
3 November 1 Chapter 5: Probability, Read chapter, skip Contingency Tables, and Baye's Theorem.
  November 3 Chapter 6: Discrete Distributions, Read chapter, skip Hypergeometric and Poisson Probability Distributions.
4 November 8 Chapter 7: Continuous Distributions, Read chapter, skip Normal Approximation to the Binomial, and The Family of Exponential Distributions.
    Exam 2 - Friday, November 18, (Chapters 5, 6 & 7)
  November 10 Chapter 8: Sampling Methods, Read entire chapter.
5 November 15 Chapter 9: Estimations and Confidence Intervals. Read chapter, skip Confidence Level for a Proportion, and Finite-Population Correction Factor.
  November 17 Chapter 10: One Sample Tests, Read chapter, skip Tests Concerning Proportions, Type II Error.
  November 22 No Class - Thanksgiving Break
    Exam 3 - Friday, December 9, (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12)
6 November 29 Chapter 11: Two Sample Tests (omit proportions), Read chapter, skip Two Sample Tests about Proportions, Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis: Dependent Samples, and Comparing Dependent and Independent Samples.
Chapter 12: ANOVA, Chapter 12: Read from chapter beginning up to and including The ANOVA Test.
  December 1 Chapter 13: Regression and Correlation, Read chapter, skip Transforming Data.
7 December 6 Chapter 14: Multiple Regression, Read chapter, skip Stepwise Regression.
  December 8 Chapter 17 (Ch16 in 16th Ed.): Chi-Square Tests, Read chapter, skip Graphical and Statistical Approaches to Confirm Normality, and Contingency Table Analysis.
8 December 16

Exam 4 - Friday, December 16, (Chapters 13, 14, & 17)

Semester ends. All remaining work due by Friday, 11:55PM