rjMoodle, Syllabus, Course Calendar

This page contains items that we might have referenced, or used, in class that I want to make sure you have. As the semester progresses, I will usually try to put any of my video responses to students' questions on this webpage.


October 2016 Ch03: There was a question about how to do a weighted data problem involving the assembly times for products for different people. Here is a video showing how to do this.
Ch03: Ch03-Assembly_Time_Weighted_Std_Dev
October 2016 Ch02: Some students asked for me to demonstrate Excel's FREQUENCY() function, slowly. I made this video for you.
Ch02: Frequency_Function_Slow
October 2016

Make sure to do the pre-course assignment.

Make sure to bring your textbooks with you to the first class.

Please note that if Moodle or my website is not working, you will have to contact me, Rick Jerz, not the IT department at SAU.


Miscellaneous Resources

Megastat - This is a special statistical "add-in" which was provided by our textbook publisher.