The administrative home of this course is the Tippie College of Business, which governs academic matters relating to the course such as the add/drop deadlines, the second-grade-only option, issues concerning academic misconduct, and how credits are applied for various graduation requirements. Different colleges might have different policies. As a registered student in a course in the Tippie College of Business, you are responsible for the collegiate policies posted below.

Tippie Honor Code: The Tippie College of Business has an Honor Code, and you must abide by it in completion of all assignments. Integrity is a reflection of your character and is critical for creating meaningful and lasting relationships. One part of integrity is abstaining from acts like cheating, so cheating on any assignment in this class will result in an appropriate consequence, usually a zero for the grade in question and, if that penalty does not reduce the grade, a penalty of a full letter grade reduction. In addition, all incidents of cheating will be reported to the appropriate academic offices, and the student may be placed on disciplinary probation, be suspended, or even permanently expelled, depending on the severity of the offense.

If a student has been found in violation of this policy, they will first be notified directly, then I will report to the appropriate program office. Faculty and students can report Academic Misconduct via the college website

Privacy: As part of this course, your name will be revealed to other students in the class. If you have concerns, please contact the instructor immediately.

Lecture Capture Policy: As a service to students, the Tippie MBA program offers Lecture Capture of most of its courses. This allows students to access video and audio recordings of the class, after the class has been recorded. As a student, you can opt out of being visible in the recording. Unless otherwise noted, this course is being recorded, and will be available to all enrolled members of the class under a password protected website (the ICON course site). The instructor may choose at various points (i.e. during exams or guest speakers) to not record the class.

Fairness and Freedom of Expression: Every student is entitled to the same intellectual freedom I have. I will respect that freedom, and I am obliged to protect your freedom to learn, regardless of your religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or political views, or on your agreement or disagreement with my positions pertaining to matters of controversy within the discipline. I will do my best to provide you with a fair and impartial evaluation of your work, consistent with articulated standards for this course.

Complaint Procedures: If at any time you have concerns about this class or your performance in it, please contact me directly. If you do not feel that your concern has been resolved satisfactorily, you should contact the Department Executive Officer (DEO) who oversees the department offering this course (Barry Thomas at (319) 335-0938 or If that does not resolve the complaint, you may contact the Associate Dean of Graduate Management Programs, David Frasier,