
I thought that I would share with you some of my ideas about teaching online that may help you over the next several weeks.

Quick Online Tips in 8-minutes

Here is a video that I made. Watch it first, then watch some of my other videos (below.)


Download this Video
Download Transcript SRT File

PowerPoints for this Presentation

PowerPoints, 3 per page (PDF)
PowerPoints, 6 per page (PDF)
PowerPoints, 1 per page (PDF)

Other Items Referenced in my Online_Teaching Video

Here is an example of my "Concept" lecture video.

Button to play video 'Ch03 Lecture: Describing Data Numerically' Ch03 Lecture: Describing Data Numerically (24 minutes) Button to download transcript SRT file Descriptive_Techniques.

Note: The above video represents a lecture that would typically take 60-90 minutes to deliver in the classroom.

Here is an example of my "Excel" lecture video.

Button to play video 'Ch03 Excel: Descriptive Statistics' Ch03 Excel: Descriptive Statistics (25 minutes) Button to download transcript SRT file Excel-Descriptive_Statistics.

Note: The above video represents a lecture that would typically take 90-100 minutes to deliver in a computer lab classroom.

Time Warp-Ed Education

100 Best Teaching Tools website

Example of Student Voice-Over-PowerPoint Presentation

I have my students do voice-over-PowerPoint presentations in some of my courses (using the Pecha Kucha technique.) Below is an example.

2018 Driver Comparison by John Carstensen (permission to share provided by John)

Other Products

TechSmith (Camtasia and SnagIt)

Adobe (Premier and other products)