Video Production Services

I produce videos, primarily for education, but I can also produce videos for any organization.

My design philosophy for eductional videos is based upon my "Time-Warped" education ideas.

Educational Videos Feature

A crisp clear message.

Good quality audio.

Carefully edited video.

Minimize "talking face" to make continuous improvement easier.

Perfect captions.

Chapter markers.


Lecture Examples:

  1. Ch03 Lecture: Describing Data Numerically (mp4, 24 minutes). A typical "lecture" video.
  2. Ch03 Excel: Descriptive Statistics (mp4, 25 minutes). A typical "Excel" video to support the lecture.

MBA8150 Course Introduction (mp4, 27 minutes). This video shows how I introduce my students to a course.

Who is Dr. Jerz (mp4, x minutes).

Moodle4 Overview (mp4, 23 minutes). This video I designed to introduce students to my Moodle.

Moodle Interview 2023 (mp4, 17 minutes). I produced this video for, who wanted to interview me "live," but I suggested this video. asked the questions and I created my responses.

The BLS Office (mp4, 5 minutes). This business example uses multi-cameras and side-by-side editing.

Create Whitelist Gmail (mp4, 1 minute). This is an example of a FAQ video. Dr. Jerz shows how to creating a whitelist in Gmail for emails from Edu-Gen. Follow these steps.

Captioning Methods for Educational Videos (mp4, 25 minutes). This video demonstrates my method of presenting topics at conferences.

Burned in captions

Grand Cayman - Swimming with Stingrays (mp4, 1 minute). Vacation video using GoPro camera.

Rick and Sully (mp4, x minutes). This is a fun movie that uses Adobe Character Generator softwar.