Presentation Support
Video Presentation
Presentation PowerPoints
PowerPoints, 3 per page
PowerPoints, 6 per page
PowerPoints, 1 per page
Support files
Default Preset File (a place to begin.) You can rename this to whatever makes sense to you.
Rick's Preset File, as an example. Note, I am linking to a background jpg file on my website.
Rick's CSS code, copy and paste this into Raw SCSS.
Moodle 3.5 Modifications to My Original Presentation Files
Rick's Preset File, as an example. Note, I am linking to a background jpg file on my website.
Rick's CSS code, copy and paste this into Raw SCSS.
Moodle 3.6 Modifications to My Moodle 3.5 Modifications (above)
Rick's Raw initial SCSS code. Copy and paste this into Raw initial SCSS.
Rick's Raw SCSS code. Copy and paste this into Raw SCSS.
No changes to the Moodle 3.5 preset file.
My Design Goals
Here is a list of things that I am trying to accomplish with my re-design of Boost.
- A more compact set of web pages. The original Boost seems to spread out.
- Anything that is a hyperlink is in maroon. In the original Boost, some of the black text does not present itself as a hyperlink.
- A pleasing set of colors. I liked the old "Formal White" theme color scheme. This is where I started, but I had to make some adjustments.
- A pleasing background graphic. Note: If you are using my modification, you can easily change the background.
- The major color scheme starts in the present: $primary: #990000. This is a good place to start with your own modifications.
- Softer, more rounded boxes.
- A black border around the various blocks. A thicker black border around the main boxes.
- A better view of courses on my Frontpage.