rjMoodle, Syllabus, Notes & Resources


Week # Date Assignment
1 August 21

Pre-Course Assignment
Course Introduction and Overview

2 August 28 Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity
3 September 4 Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in a Global Environment
4 September 11 Chapter 3: Project Management
5 September 18 Chapter 4: Forecasting
6 September 25 Chapter 5: Design of Goods and Services
7 October 2 Chapter 6: Managing Quality
8 October 9 Chapter 7: Process Strategy
9 October 16 Chapter 8: Location Strategies
Chapter 9: Layout Strategies
10 October 23 Chapter 10: Human Resources and Job Design
11 October 30 Chapter 11: Supply-Chain Management
12 November 6 Chapter 12: Inventory Management
13 November 13 Chapter 13: Aggregate Planning
14 November 20 Chapter 15: Short-Term Scheduling
15 December 4 Chapter 14: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP
Chapter 16: Just-in-Time and Lean Production Systems
Note: Last day of class counts for double attendance points
16 December 11 Finals Week (all work due by Thursday 3:00PM)
  Key: In-classs (in white)
    Electronic or "online" in yellow