All Currently Released Videos, by Category

Lecture Videos

Company Tour (Cases) Videos

Administrative Videos


For my video about videos, click on the link below.

Videos, Videos, and More Videos (8 minutes.)

Button to play video "Videos, Videos, and More Videos." Button to download video and transcript SRT file "Videos, Videos, and More Videos.".


PowerPoints, 3 per page (PDF)
PowerPoints, 6 per page (PDF)
PowerPoints, 1 per page (PDF)

Videos are extremely important to this course, so I put in extra effort to provide you several ways (and redundant ways) to get to my videos and additional video resources, as described below and in my video about videos. Above you see links to course videos by video category. Each link provides a web page that presents a list of videos that I have provided to date, and allows you to click on any video to play it. This list grows as the course progresses.

When you click on a video's link, the video opens in your browser. You have controls to play the video, for volume, captions, full-screen, download, and description.

Below each video link, I provide a short summary, and a link to download this video's transcript, or SRT file. I will describe how to use this file below in Method #3.

Since my web pages and resources are mobile friendly, it shouldn't matter if you are using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Please let me know if a video is ever not working.

I copyright most of my videos. The "Company Tour" videos are copyrighted by the textbook publisher. You are welcome to use them for your education, but cannot use them in your own business for profit or give them away to other students or organizations without my permission.

There are three general ways to get these videos in addition to the category links above. They are:
1) Click on the video link in the chapter Resources web page on Moodle.
2) Click on the video link in Moodle's right-side column.
3) Download them and then play them from your computer or mobile device.

Regardless of the method you use, the videos are always the exact same videos.

Method #1 - Play Within the Topic's Resources Web Page in Moodle

I will always provide a link to the videos for each chapter within the appropriate topic's Resources web page. When you click on a video link, your browser should open and play the video. These videos should play in all browsers and are mobile (tablet and smartphone) friendly. Captions are provided.

Your Internet bandwidth should be at least DSL.

This method is a very convenient way to view videos. You can also instruct your browser to download the videos by clicking a download icon in the upper-right of each video.

Method #2 - Use links from Moodle's Lower Right-Side

In the lower-right column of Moodle (or on the bottom if you are using a smartphone,) there is a block for each category of videos. These blocks show the last dozen videos that have been released within this category. When you click on a video, it should open in your device's browser and be identical to Method #1.

Having these videos shown on the course's main homepage is often a quick way to get to a particular video. However, you don't see them "in context" as you do on the Resources web page.

Method #3 - Download Videos to Your Device

All videos can be downloaded. Click on the video link, and then when the video shows itself in your browser, click the little down arrow icon on the top-right of the video. You can then download either the originally sized video (typically 1440x960 pixels) or a smaller sized video to suit your needs. For example, if your smartphone has limited storage capacity, download a smaller size.

Once downloaded, you do not need to be on the Internet to play them. You can use your favorite video player, which might have more features than your browser's video player, to play this video and manage it. My videos are MP4 files encoded with H.264, so most video players can play them. In my case, right now, I like the Elmedia Player on my Mac because of its advanced features, including the ability to easily speed up or slow down the video.

One problem with downloading videos is that they do not have "captions." This is where the transcript SRT file can help. Download this SRT file and then use your favorite video player that supports caption files to add it. Many modern video players have this capability, like Elmedia or VLC. Yes, this gets slightly "technical," so you might need to experiment and do some Google searching.

The transcript SRT file might also be handy if you simply want to read it, like a transcript. This SRT file is a simple "text" file that you can open with any text editor, even MS Notepad. Since this SRT file is time-coded, if you search for a word of interest, you will find exactly where this word occurs in the video.

Many years ago, the only way to get videos to your mobile device, such as an iPod, was with a podcast technique. Although I loved this technique, it has become slightly outdated, and my video server does not support this method. Today, there are all kinds of ways of moving videos around and playing them on your devices. For example, I sometimes will download my videos and transfer them to my iPhone so that I can play them while traveling. Often you have nothing better to do while traveling, so why not study? Videos "on the go" for mobile education! Give it a try. Experiment! Let me know (via a post on Moodle) what is working well for you.


You are welcome to download every video for this course, and archive them for future reference.