Moodle, Syllabus


Topic #



0 Before Course Begins

Pre-Course Assignment
Course Introduction and Overview


June 15

Introduction to Business Analytics

Chapter 1: What is Statistics, Read entire chapter.
Excel: Some Basics of MS Excel


June 18

Describing Data with Visualization Techniques

Chapter 2: Graphic Presentation, Read entire chapter.
Excel: Creating Graphs in Excel

3 June 22

Descriptive Statistics and Analyzing Distributions

Chapter 3: Numerical Measures, Read entire chapter.
Excel: Descriptive Statistics using the Excel models


June 25

Exploring Data, Creating and Analyzing Distributions

Chapter 4: Exploring Data, Read chapter, skip Stem-and-Leaf Displays, and Contingency Tables
Excel: Creating Distributions from Data, Working with Tables, and PivotTable
Supplemental Reading: Tables in Excel


June 29

Importing, Cleansing, and Exporting Data Sets
Excel: Following the step-by-step instructions, complete the steps and submit your Excel file.


July 2

Goodness of Fit Tests

Chapter 15: Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis Test
Read Goodness-of-Fit Tests: Comparing Observed and Expected Frequency Distributions, Limitations of Chi-Square, Testing the Hypothesis that a Distribution is Normal
Excel: Testing frequency shapes using the Chi-Square Excel model


July 6

Chapter 11: Two-Sample Tests, Read chapter, skip Two-Sample Tests about Proportions (if it exists in your version of the textbook.)
Chapter 12: ANOVA, Chapter 12: Read from chapter beginning up to and including The ANOVA Test.
Excel: Testing two samples using the Excel Two-Sample model


July 9

Presentation Preparation

Exam1 (July 11 - July 17)


July 13

Chapter 13: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation, Read chapter, skip Transforming Data.
Excel: Linear regression using the Excel Linear Regression model


July 16

Chapter 14: Multiple Regression Analysis, Read chapter, skip Stepwise Regression.
Excel: Multiple regression using the Excel Multiple Regression model


July 20

Chapter 18: Forecasting, Read entire chapter.
Excel: Forecasting techniques using the Excel Forecasting models


July 23

Tableau Basics
Readings: None
Refer to the Resources and Activities web page for this week.


July 27

Tableau II
Readings: None
Refer to the Resources and Activities web page for this week.


July 30

User-Defined Functions and VBA, PivotTables and Slicers, and Regression in Tableau
Readings: PivotTables_PivotCharts_Slicers, for the second part of these assignments.


August 3

Project Presentations Due on Sunday, August 2

Exam2 Preparation

Begin Project Discussions


August 1 - August 7

Project Discussions
