I work hard at providing the best course to students. Here are some of the comments from students.


  • "First off, just want to say I love Moodle! I was in the middle of a quiz when our power went out (we’ve been experiencing rolling blackouts in Texas since last Thursday). I had to restart my computer but was able to get back in my same quiz to finish. Whew." J.M. S21.
  • "This is the best class I have ever taken through Tippie. I learned so much about Excel, statistics, and Tableau through the coursework and the final project. Thank you Dr. Jerz!" ACE. S20.
  • "I loved the setup of this class. Great professor, really helpful and actually explains things (which is rare for Tippie professors)." ACE. S20.
  • "I went from dropping this class in the spring semester, to flourishing in this section with Dr. Jerz. He is the best teacher I have ever had and I would pay to take other classes he has because I enjoyed him, his feedback, and his class so much. I am HORRIBLE at anything math related and was fearful, but his teaching style made me a successful student. I will be advising anyone I come across to take this class with Dr. Jerz. He is genuinely knowledgeable about he teaches and it is very impressive. I really cannot say enough good things about him and am very appreciative for the faith he re-instilled in me about school, without even knowing he did." ACE. Su20.
  • "This class was absolutely fantastic and i learned valuable skills working with excel and various sets of data. I would absolutely recommend another student to take this class." ACE. Su20.
  • "I have a deep impression of this course; not only the knowledge I have learned helped me in my further study field, but also the way you teach makes me understand the knowledge more thoroughly. It was a great pleasure to take part in this course, and it was one of my favorite among all the courses. I really appreciate the office hours that helped me to find my problems and to solve them. Thank you for the time and assistance you offered us." Y.S. Su20.
  • "I have definitely learned a lot from this course. This is the hardest course I have taken at UI, and I have dropped twice before your class. You are one of the greatest professor! You made this course really easy to follow and learn. I did not know how to apply many technics in excel. I now can do pivot table really well! I really enjoyed having you as my professor! Again, you made this hard course easy for students, and we learn the hardest course in an easiest way. I greatly appreciate your time!" M.H. Su20.
  • "I have to say that I am highly impressed with your attention to your classes and enthusiasm for what you do. There are not many professors out there that you find this. So Bravo! I hope I enjoy my career choice as you seem to." A.W. Su20.
  • "I really enjoy your teaching way through this semester and I really can learn something new from your course." H.S. Su20.
  • "The way you formatted this class honestly helped me learn excel and not just go through the motions. Thank you for that." J.H., Su20.
  • "Amazing job teaching the course I really enjoyed it!" C.K. Su20.
  • "I genuinely feel like I learned more in this course than any other at Iowa so far." B.T. Su20.
  • "I just wanted to shoot you a quick email to say thank you for the lovely semester! I learned more than I thought I could, and I appreciate all the help throughout the semester." I.A. Su20.
  • "I just finished the final exam and wanted to say thank you for a great course! I really enjoyed learning so much during this course and wish it could have been longer. I have never been the best at Excel but learned so much in this short time." D.B. Su19.
  • "I would’t never expected to do as well as I did in this course, especially with my previous experience with information systems. Your approach of step by step assignments made learning both easy and manageable. I appreciate the time and effort you spent on us this summer semester." S.I, Su19.
  • "I wanted to write and let you know that because of all I learned in your class last year I was successfully able to test out of 2 required statistics based classes in my MBA program. I am attending Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. There are two required stats focused classes. One is a half credit title Business Analytics I. It is foundational. That waiver test was basic, with most of it focused on probability of events. The second was Business Analytics II. That waiver test was much more in-depth. It had a significant amount of hypothesis testing, regression analysis and predictions." C.M. F19.

Administrator Feedback

  • "I wanted you to know that I received a note from a student saying that Rick is the best online instructor she has ever had! Very nice note, and a good time for me to applaud the great work you do building strong courses. I know that you always bring lots of clarity and structure to your offerings," K.B. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program.